Author Archives for Cor uni

DOMUS Workshop – Towards a more holistic comfort model

July 25, 2018 1:39 pm Published by Comments Off on DOMUS Workshop – Towards a more holistic comfort model

One of the objectives of the DOMUS project is to improve the electric drive range across a wide extent of ambient conditions while maintaining an acceptable level of comfort. Looking... Read more

DOMUS Design Workshop by ViF

July 13, 2018 1:21 pm Published by Comments Off on DOMUS Design Workshop by ViF

On July 5th, 2018 DOMUS work package 2 held a workshop in Munich to support the goal of developing innovative and disruptive cabin designs for electric vehicles (EV). The workshop... Read more

IKA Workshop on user requirements in thermal environments

June 29, 2018 1:17 pm Published by Comments Off on IKA Workshop on user requirements in thermal environments

One goal of the EU-granted H2020 project DOMUS is to determine the user´s perception and requirements of comfort and cabin energy requirements in efficient electric vehicles. In its role as... Read more